Advanced dental procedures in North Dallas, TX

Many patients consider tooth decay, missing teeth, and jaw pain as minor problems that do not require immediate attention. However, leaving such problems untreated can lead to health problems like diabetes, stroke, dementia, and even respiratory illness.

What Are Advanced Dental Procedures?

Our highly trained dentist near you, may occasionally diagnose potential problems that require advanced treatments to restore your oral health. Alternatively, the patient may want to change the appearance of their teeth for a more confident smile.

We are happy to use our many years of experience to provide safe, effective, and specialized dental care to patients who need advanced procedures. Our dentist near you at Connie J. Smith, DDS will make a full assessment before recommending suitable restorative or aesthetic measures.


Advanced Dental Procedures

At Connie J. Smith, DDS, we provide a comprehensive range of advanced dental treatment in North Dallas, TX:


Dentures in North Dallas, TX

If you have lost your teeth due to aging, trauma, bone loss, or other reasons, we can recommend the right kind of dentures for your requirement. After scanning the oral cavity, we will determine which teeth will need to be removed. Dr. Smith recommends implant-supported dentures or over dentures to improve stability and strength.


Root Canal Treatment in North Dallas, TX

When a cavity is left untreated and attacks tooth pulp, it must be treated with root canal therapy. Infected tooth pulp cannot heal on its own and may compromise your immunity system if ignored. We will determine the right type of root canal treatment (surgical or non-surgical) for your requirement.


Specialized TMJ Treatment in North Dallas, TX

Injury, arthritis, teeth-clenching, or malocclusion may lead to problems in the TMJ or temporal-mandibular joint. We use visual exams or imaging to diagnose the problem and may recommend jaw exercise, medication, mouth guards, or TOS (Therapeutic Occlusal Splints) to treat the issue. The dentist may recommend surgery for extreme cases.


We also provide standard and mini-implants that help stabilize restorations, including fixed bridges and crowns.


We are waiting to help you. Contact with us!