TMJ/TMD treatment in North Dallas, TX

We all have two temporomandibular joints (TMJs). These joints are found in front of our ears. You can palpate your TMJs by putting a finger in front of each ear, then opening and closing your mouth. Temporomandibular disorder or TMD should be dealt with by an Allencrest Ln dentist near you.

At Connie J Smith DDS, we have years of experience with TMJ treatment in North Dallas, TX. TMD can present with different severities and has many causes. Seeking help at a Allencrest Ln dentist near you who has enough knowledge and experience is important. We’re familiar with different forms of TMJ treatment in North Dallas, TX and know how to take good care of our patients.

What Causes TMD?

Trauma is one of the leading causes of TMD. People don’t need to receive direct trauma to the TMJs. If a person receives trauma to the side of the face or even the chin, TMD can occur. At Connie J Smith DDS, we’ve also seen patients complain of TMD due to stress. Stress leads to jaw muscle spasms, which can affect the TMJs. Additionally, stress can lead to teeth grinding at night.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic condition that affects different joints in the body. While the TMJs aren’t usually affected, it’s still a known complication. Sometimes, there’s no obvious cause, and we have to deal with the underlying damage.

How Is TMD Treated?

There are medical and surgical options for TMD. It’s usually best to start with the least invasive options and work our way to the invasive ones. Most patients are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants first. In patients with jaw muscle spasms or those suffering from stress, these drugs are often enough. Night guards are also very useful in treating patients who grind their teeth while asleep.

Unfortunately, TMD can sometimes be severe and due to trauma or arthritis. If there’s debris in the joint space, the inflammation will persist unless the debris is removed. We can perform traditional and arthroscopic surgery. Arthroscopic surgery is preferred because it’s less invasive, very effective, and is associated with shorter and smoother recoveries


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